December 28

TEN (10) Benefits to NOT carrying your kids bags…


I got thinking…after posting my story about carrying my kids sports bags and how I cured myself of this problem, I thought  I should “arm” you with some benefits at the same time.  So consider this “Part Two” of the Bat Bag Story and hopefully give you some good reasons to share with others and your own kids.

So here are the benefits I came up with – feel free to add to the list with your comments…

  1. It teaches your kid RESPONSIBILITY…get YOUR bag ready before we leave the house, play YOUR game, pack YOUR bag up, and carry YOUR bag to the car!  It’s what an athlete does if they want to play the sport.  They get all the FUN, why not have some responsibility along the way as well.
  2. It helps stop you from ENABLING their behavior…Of course they are going to expect you to carry their bag if you are in the habit of doing so.  Never met a kid that has turned down the offer, have you?  This could be a huge first step to helping you curb the inevitable enabling behavior we all succumb to at one point or another.
  3. It teaches them a basic LIFE SKILL…All play and no work is not how life works!  I play and let the others do the hard, mundane work for me, no way!  Start early and help them learn this is just the way life is going to be as you get older.  This way they are getting a head start in learning this valuable skill.
  4. Let them take PRIDE IN OWNERSHIP…They are responsible for their bag at all times – where it is, its condition, cleaning the dirt off, who they let open it up and look through it, etc.  They own lots of stuff, this will be a step in the right direction in helping them protect it and take care of it.
  5. This has no connection to LOVE…Carrying your kids bag is NOT an indicator of how much you love them, contrary to popular belief.  Just think how much energy you will have by not carrying their bag, energy to actually DO fun things with them to show them how much you love and enjoy being with them.
  6. Teach them about RESPECT for you…You are not a pack mule, you have plenty of other things to carry back and forth to the car, hotels, fields, etc.  You still show them how much you support and respect them by going to their games.
  7. They learn all about POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS…It gives you an opportunity to reinforce how responsible and in control they are – this gives them direct positive affirmations, something ALL OF US enjoy hearing!
  8. You avoid INJURY to yourself…It’s not worth an injury on your part and I am living proof of how this can happen and the severity.  “Bat Bag shoulder” from carrying too many bags, several years of physical therapy – not worth it.
  9. Most importantly, IT IS NOT YOUR JOB…it’s your kids job – they chose to be the athlete.  There are responsibilities that come with being an athlete and this is just one minor one, but can set the tone for many others.
  10. Your OWN REASONS…Do you have any other great reasons we should refrain from getting into the habit of carrying our kids bags for them?  Share them, we can all benefit from each other’s experiences.

Can’t wait to hear others stories and experiences with this simple, yet important lesson for helping your kid enjoy the sport more and want to stay in the game.


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